To investigate the possibility to predict chemotherapy response using proliferation assays.
Verkorte titel
In advanced stage ovarian cancer patients 20-30% of the patients do not respond to primary (chemotherapy) treatment.
20-30% van de patiƫnten met gevorderd ovariumcarcinoom heeft geen goede respons op de 1e keus chemotherapie die wordt gegeven.
Onderzoeksproduct en/of interventie
Primaire uitkomstmaten
Development and validation of a precision medicine approach based on the analysis of drug sensitivity markers in ascites of ovarian cancer patients.
Achtergrond van het onderzoek
In advanced stage (FIGO stage IIC and above) epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) with ascites, 15-20% of the tumors do not respond to first-line chemotherapy treatment on malignant cells in acites. The aim of this study is to validate a new approach to measure the sensitivity of ovarian cancer cells to chemotherapeutics. The aim is to predict the accuracy of first-line chemotherapy to advanced stages of EOC. Furthermore, we aim to relate the in vitro response of tumor cells from ascites to clinical response of ovarian cancer patients.
Doel van het onderzoek
To investigate the possibility to predict chemotherapy response using proliferation assays.
Inclusion of 100 patients within 2 years
Onderzoeksproduct en/of interventie
Ascites drainage
One extra blood tube
Both are standard of care (the blood tube is extra)
Belangrijkste voorwaarden om deel te mogen nemen (Inclusiecriteria)
In order to be eligible to participate in this study, a subject must meet all of the following criteria:
- Histologically confirmed ovarian, tubal or extra-ovarian peritoneal cancer
- Availability of ascites
- Availability of blood cells to determine gene status in normal (i.e., non-tumor) cells
- Ascites collected before start of chemotherapy
- No prior chemotherapy
- No concomitant cancer
- Age 18 years and above
- Ability to undergo first line treatment (debulking surgery and chemotherapy)
- Treatment to commence within 6 weeks
- Written informed consent
Belangrijkste redenen om niet deel te kunnen nemen (Exclusiecriteria)
- Previous chemotherapy
- Previous or concurrent malignant disease except basal cell carcinoma
Voornemen beschikbaar stellen Individuele Patiƫnten Data (IPD)
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In overige registers
Register | ID |
NTR-new | NL6887 |
NTR-old | NTR7065 |
Ander register | Catharina Ziekenhuis: nWMO-2018.01 : Radboudumc: 2018-4137 / CWZ: 001-2018 / |