guidelines, external demands, hospitals, stakeholders, implementation
Onderzoeksproduct en/of interventie
Primaire uitkomstmaten
qualitative data
Achtergrond van het onderzoek
The puzzle that we are trying to solve is: How can institutions that produce norms for hospital care (e.g. patient organizations, professional associations of clinicians and nurses, guidelines developers, trade unions, and policy makers) and institutions that enforce these norms (e.g. the inspectorate for health care, insurance companies, and other auditors) formulate and enforce norms that hospitals are able to comply with in such a way that it helps them to provide better care and produce better outcomes? The focus in this article is on the interaction between these stakeholders and hospitals.
4 focus groups: 1 in august, 3 in september
Onderzoeksproduct en/of interventie
Focus group
Belangrijkste voorwaarden om deel te mogen nemen (Inclusiecriteria)
stakeholders from hospitals,
• Guideline developers (KiMS, V&VN, IKNL, IGZ, WIP, KNMG, ..)
• Guideline users (doctors and hospitals)
• Enforcement institutions/stakeholders (NVZ, NFU, ZiN, Projectgroep K&D, IGZ)
Belangrijkste redenen om niet deel te kunnen nemen (Exclusiecriteria)
stakeholders which are not part of the group from the inclusion criteria
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